Practice Areas

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope.
-Winston Churchill
Sound Judgment & Wisdom
You may find on-point answers to your issues hidden in millions of pages of data and advice. Chat GPT may even hallucinate the perfect answers. You can read thousands of statutes and case law if you don’t fall asleep first. And friends and family may give you plenty of advice you later wished you had not followed.
But Yablon Law is your one source for sound judgment and wisdom regarding your legal issues. We also take the time to understand you, your desires, and your concerns so we can better tell your compelling story so courts will hear your voice and act—favorably—we pray.
In short, we assess complex situations and your situation, weigh legal options, make strategic recommendations, and implement your game plan through negotiation, litigation, or alternatives.
Zealous Advocacy &
Two-way Communication
You are not a cog in our wheel. You are not cattle to herd through the legal process. You are our reason for our existence. Without you, there is no Yablon Law.
As such, we first seek to understand your desires and fears. We thoroughly examine the facts and research the applicable law in search of finding the winning edge. And we communicate and consult with you throughout the process to better zealously advocate for you. We truly love to win and desire to do so affordably and effectively—for you!
Multidiscipline Practice
We don’t do everything, but we don’t do one thing. Mark P. Yablon’s background in insurance and investment planning, journalism, entrepreneurship, U.S. Navy Seabees, commercial real estate redevelopment, and his own divorce and custody struggles integrated with his legal knowledge and other life experience make him a natural to manage a growing statewide law practice with several interrelated practice areas.
Understanding bankruptcy, for example, helps us better represent clients in litigation, real estate, construction, probate, wills, trusts, business law, family law, general counsel, transactions, personal injury, and disability & life insurance disputes. And we partner with others when helpful, including in personal injury and disability & life insurance disputes. We also expect to hire experienced attorneys in 2024 to deepen and strengthen our bench.